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Hello birdchild,


     my reading is "noshu seki (no) ju kanekiyo saku" 



  Probably an early WW2 blade because of the showa stamp instead of a seki stamp, is there a date on the other side? 


   Good luck, Tom M.


On a point of pedantry, but I feel worthwhile pointing out to avoid slipshod usage, it is not the SHÔWA 昭和 stamp, it is the SHÔ stamp.



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 I rather like these early Showa katana, and would welcome one into my collection. Can we have some overall photo's of the whole sword and saya, it looks as though it is in a field saya, and I would be interested in whether it is in a removable leather cover, or a permanent sewn on cover. Thanks in advance.




I think this is your man (from Markus book):


KANETOKI (兼時), Shōwa (昭和, 1926-1989), Gifu – “Seki-jū Kanetoki kore o saku” (関住兼時作之), “Nōshū Seki-jū Kanetoki kore o saku” (濃州関住兼時作之), “Seki-jū Fujiwara Kanetoki” (関住藤原兼時), real name Kojima Kanji (小島寛二), born September 2nd 1925, son of Kojima Kanemichi (兼道), he studied also under Watanabe Kanenaga (渡辺兼永), when his father changed his name from Kanetoki to Kanemichi, he succeeded as 2nd gen. Kanetoki, he worked later in Seki as kaigun-jumei-tōshō


I don´t think that it is Kanemichi, he signed also with Kanetoki!

Does the blade has some date?

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