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Hello, & welcome to the forum. What you have is a genuine Chinese fake sword, my friend. I've seen a lot of them, but yours is the first I've seen with the brass inlay on the blade. There's a good section on fake swords at http://jssus.org/nkp/fake_japanese_swords.html, & you'll see one just like yours about a quarter of the way down. Many of our members started with fake blades, though, & are now educated enough to keep from buying them...most of the time. The Chinese are getting really good these days at making fakes that are darn hard to tell. Buying good reference books & lots of studying should keep you from making too many mistakes.


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Is this better for the sig? And Oh well, I'll be sure to tell him! still would make a nice wall hanger I think! and it's not inlay at all, but like paint almost, you can see the grain pattern under it. Also how do they get them so old looking?

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