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opinions? signature? large stamp on tang ?

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Hi Jeff, since you are new to collecting you will probably find reading Japanese a bit terrifying...especially as this writing on your sword is what we call modern "chippy" style, rather than the more regular older style.

Holding blade point up the inscription start with small "SHO stamp" this indicates a non-traditional sword...modern steel, probably oil tempered rather than water tempered.

The mei reads "NO SHU SEKI JU MATSU DA KANE TAKA SAKU" this translates as Matsuda (family name) Kanetaka (art name) a resident of Seki (town) in Noshu (province) made this.

This mei is followed by the deep "Taka" stamp...his personal seal.


Matsuda Takaichi (art name Kanetaka) was a gunto swordsmith in Seki from 26th Oct 1939 to 1945.

There is a lot of info on these gunto via the "links" above.

Yours is well mounted and in nice condition so should bring a higher price. I am not knowledgeable on the value of these showato so someone will help you I'm sure...maybe $1000US?....just guessing.


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Yours is well mounted and in nice condition so should bring a higher price. I am not knowledgeable on the value of these showato so someone will help you I'm sure...maybe $1000US?....just guessing.


I would guess $1000-$1200, too.



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Hi Jeff, since you are new to collecting you will probably find reading Japanese a bit terrifying...especially as this writing on your sword is what we call modern "chippy" style, rather than the more regular older style.

Holding blade point up the inscription start with small "SHO stamp" this indicates a non-traditional sword...modern steel, probably oil tempered rather than water tempered.

The mei reads "NO SHU SEKI JU MATSU DA KANE TAKA SAKU" this translates as Matsuda (family name) Kanetaka (art name) a resident of Seki (town) in Noshu (province) made this.

This mei is followed by the deep "Taka" stamp...his personal seal.


Matsuda Takaichi (art name Kanetaka) was a gunto swordsmith in Seki from 26th Oct 1939 to 1945.

There is a lot of info on these gunto via the "links" above.

Yours is well mounted and in nice condition so should bring a higher price. I am not knowledgeable on the value of these showato so someone will help you I'm sure...maybe $1000US?....just guessing.


Now that is just about the perfect response to a question like this. I think we should promote you to spokesperson George :clap:



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If the blade is in really good shape, I would put it at $1200-1500 on ebay with good photos. Tang is nice, hot stamp, no rust, looks like the mounts are clean and it's in good polish. Just my guess, but I don't usually buy these.

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