Thank you for donating via our secure credit card processor, Payfast. No details of your card are stored, and Payfast is one of the largest and most secure credit card payment processors in South Africa
Please use the converter below to convert the currency you wish to donate, into local South African Rands. Then enter the Rands amount into the text entry box, and click PAY NOW. This will take you to the secure server. NOTE: Sometimes overseas banks will block the payment since it comes from an overseas country. They may contact you for verification or authorization. It is safe to authorize the payment.
If you have any problem paying, please email me at this email address with the amount you wish to donate and your email address, and I will send you a payment request that may work better. Again, huge thanks for your offer to support the forum. Payfast sends local currency into an account that is far more convenient for local forum hosting bills than Paypal, but either is appreciated.

Once you have converted your contribution amount into ZAR (South African Rands) please enter it into the box below and click the Payfast button. This will take you to the secure credit card processing page. This is a secure server. Your credit card statement will show a payment to "Payfast"

You can edit the amount below to your desired amount in rands